Founding of the Hong Kong Community Chest, November 8, 1968 |
Archival inkjet print, 52 x 82 cm, 2018 |
Photographed in black and white film on November 8, 2018, at the Back alley of 5A Victory Avenue, Kowloon. On November 8, 1968, a man was violently murdered at the Back alley of 5A Victory Avenue, Kowloon. There were wounds at the back of his skull, a knife stabbed in his neck, towel stuck in his mouth and the veins of both of his wrists were slashed. 2018年11月8日以黑白菲林攝於九龍勝利道5號A後巷。 1968年11月8日, 在九龍勝利道5號A後巷, 一名男子被殺, 身上有多處傷痕, 頭部插著一把利剪, 口部被毛巾反縛, 左右手腕被利刀割斷, 後腦有撞擊傷痕。