The Parish Feast Day of the Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Yuen Long, October 28, 1969 | 1969年10月28日, 元朗聖伯多祿聖保祿堂慶祝主保瞻禮 |
Archival inkjet print, 52 x 82 cm, 2019 |
Photographed in black and white film on October 28, 2019 at Wing Hong House, Fuk Loi Estate, Tsuen Wan. On October 28, 1969, a middle-aged woman was seriously injured by a man with a chopper at Wing Hong House, Fuk Loi Estate, Tsuen Wan, due to dispute over love affairs. Her daughter tried to save her and also suffered from minor injuries in the fingers. Both the mother and daughter were later sent to the hospital. 2019年10月28日以黑白菲林攝於荃灣福來村永康樓。 1969年10月28日, 在荃灣福來村永康樓,一名中年婦人因桃色糾紛遭人以菜刀亂斬至重傷, 其9歲女兒亦因為救母親而被斬傷手指,一同送院救治。