6th Schools Dance Festival Oriental Dance Competition at Queen Elizabeth School, January 14, 1970 |
Archival inkjet print, 52 x 82 cm, 2020 |
Photographed in black and white film on January 14, 2020 at 45 Temple Street, Yau Ma Tei. On January 14, 2020 at 45 Temple Street on the second floor a Chinese bone-setting clinic cum martial arts gym was raid by more than 20 thugs with knives and steel bars, suspiciously for revenge. The 50-year old Kungfu master, his assistant and six students were far outnumbered and wounded. The premises was also damaged. 2020年1月14日以黑白菲林攝於油麻地廟街45號。 1970年1月14日,於廟街45號三樓的跌打醫館健身院有廿多名持刀及鐡尺的大漢闖入,疑為尋仇見人就斬,50歲跌打師傅、助教和六名徒弟以寡敵眾,不堪攻擊同被打傷,醫館亦遭破壞。