Opening Ceremony for the New Campus of Kiangsu-Chekiang College, January 15, 1970 |
Archival inkjet print, 52 x 82 cm, 2020 |
Photographed in black and white film on January 14, 2020 at 35 Jordan Road. On January 14, 2020 in Ho Wah Tea House at 35 Jordan Road, two suspiciously triad members were killed by a gang of more than ten with knives and steel bars in a trap apparently set up by their opponents of a negotiation on a love triangle, in which the girl protagonist also came to meet them but ran away when the murder took place. An 18-year old shopkeeper on the table aside was mistakenly associated with the two men and was also seriously wounded with four cuts in the head, the back, the stomach and the arm. 2020年1月15日以黑白菲林攝於佐敦道35號。 1970年1月15日,於佐敦道35號豪華茶樓,兩名疑為黑社會成員被十多名男子以西瓜刀和鐵尺伏擊致死,似是借三角關係談判而設之圈套,當中女主角也有出席,但兇案發生時逃去。坐在鄰桌的18歲辦館店員被誤認為兩死者同伙,頭、背、腹、手各中一刀,傷勢嚴重。