Caritas Charity Bazaars in Wah Yan College, Kowloon, November 5, 1972
1972年11月5日, 明愛九龍區賣物會於華仁書院舉行

Archival inkjet print, 52 x 82 cm, 2022

Photographed in black and white film on November 5, 2022, on Kowloon Hills Fitness Trail above Kowloon Reservoir.

At 8 am on November 5, 1972, at the upper catchment (Kowloon Hills Fitness Trail) on Tai Po Road about 1.5 kilometres away from Shek Lei Pui Reservoir, a Waterworks Office employee went up about 1.5 kilometers along the catchment. In the bush, he found two partly-decomposed bodies—a male and a female with ropes tied around their necks. The male was tied to a tree above him, and his hands were tied behind his back. The female was lying beside him. It was later confirmed that they were the mother and son who disappeared near the Shek Lei Pui Reservoir a week ago—38-year-old Ho Ning-fong and 16-year-old Chau Kin-keung.

1972年11月5日早上八時許, 在大埔道距離石梨貝水塘約1.5公里的上引水道(即九龍山健身徑),當更的水務署職員沿引水道上行約1.5公里的叢林,發現兩具已開始腐爛的屍體,一男一女,兩人頸項皆結有繩索,男的較年輕,繩索繫在樹上,雙手被反綁坐著,女的躺臥在他身旁,後來證實為一星期前於石梨貝水塘附近失蹤的兩母子 —— 38歲的何寧芳和16歲的周健強。