Private space for Public view
mMK, is the short initials of mini-Museum von Kaspar, which means simply The mini-Museum of Kaspar. mMK is founded in around 1996, when Jaspar Lau Kin Wah was working in the Research Insitute for the Humanities, CUHK, in his office. It utilized the bookshelf as a three storey museum, displaying works of mini-scale or reduced-size reproductions of works by different artists. It has now moved back to his own equally tiny living apartment, in Kowloon, Hong Kong. mMK, is sort of a personal homage to MMK, the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt, under the former directorship of Jean Christopher Ammann. Kaspar, as a person, does not really exist.

mMK為mini-Museum von Kaspar的簡稱,解作「卡斯巴爾迷你藝術館」,始於1996年,藝評人劉建華以當時在香港中文大學人文學科研究所工作房間中的書架,變改成「三層」高 的藝術館,展示不同藝術家的微型作品和縮細的複製品。現在的mMK已遷回劉氏家居斗室之內。